
It is vital that new development in Southend is sustainable, considering the social, economic and environmental impacts and contributes to the health and well-being of our communities. The link between planning and health has been long established. The built and natural environments are major determinants of health and wellbeing and include:

  • High Quality Design, Healthy Living and Built Heritage to support strong, vibrant and healthy communities and help create healthy living environments which should, where possible, include making it easier to participate in physical activity and create places and spaces to meet to support community engagement and social interaction.
  • Vibrant Communities, Services and Infrastructure, including health, education, sports and leisure facilities and digital infrastructure.
  • Enhancing our natural environment, including green spaces, habitats and wildlife.
  • Planning for Climate Change, including energy, flooding and coastal change and agricultural land.

The Southend Health and Wellbeing Board, which is made up of local statutory organisations and health related partners, work in partnership with the objective to improve the health and wellbeing of Southend's residents. The ambition is that everyone living in Southend should have the best possible opportunity to live long, fulfilling, healthy lives. A Health and Wellbeing Strategy has recently been refreshed and seeks to promote healthy lifestyles through encouraging physical activity. The new local plan has an important role to play to achieve this.