Part 1: Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

A key and integral part of developing the New Local Plan will be to embed the Southend 2050 ambition and present an aim for where we want to be in 20 years’ time together with a set of Spatial Objectives that relate to planning. The comments you have fed back to us on the Issues and Options document will be considered as part of this process.

The Spatial Objectives need to embrace the essence of the Plan’s aim and expand on this to provide a framework for the development of specific planning policies and guidance.

What You Said

As part of the consultation on the Issues and Options document you told us that you were in broad agreement with the key messages of the Southend 2050 vision relating to planning issues, particularly around:

  • joint working with partners, including across South Essex;
  • a strong community, safety and inclusivity;
  • opportunities for young people, education;
  • meeting housing need and providing more jobs and attractive town centres;
  • connections and getting around the Borough, green and innovative travel; and
  • protecting and enhancing the environment and sea front.

However, you considered that further emphasis was required on:

  • protecting and enhancing the environment, including combating climate change, improving urban greening and biodiversity, managing flood risk, cleaner air, sustainable construction and use of minerals;
  • developing Southend together needs to be supported by officer and member behaviour;
  • acknowledging that Southend isn’t one place and can be defined in multiple ways;
  • greater emphasis on supporting infrastructure, particularly regarding access and improved community services including health;
  • the importance of making it easy for residents and visitors to be able to get in and around the Borough using sustainable means of transport, but there are conflicting views on levels of parking provision and management;
  • the need to incorporate other aims and objectives that balance aspiration with what is deliverable, especially in terms of infrastructure and delivering affordable housing;
  • incorporating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals within policy development.

Southend 2050 Vision Refresh

The Council has a shared vision of the future – the Southend 2050 ambition, 26 outcomes and delivery roadmap. This was developed through substantial engagement and co-design with stakeholders and communities. The ongoing engagement activity has brought people and communities together to identify where they want Southend to be in the future.

The Council reviewed and refreshed the 2050 vision, outcomes and roadmap in September 2020 to take into account the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the local economy.

It is important to recognise that there is frequent new information concerning Covid-19 and its impact that affect Government decisions and policy makers. Therefore, it is essential that the recovery plans in Southend are fluid enough to respond to changes and this will mean that the 2050 outcomes and roadmap will be closely monitored and updated to ensure the very best for the Borough.

For more information on Southend 2050 please see Figure 4, and you can visit the website at

Figure 4: Southend 2050 Themes and Outcomes (where we want to be)

    Pride and Joy

By 2050 Southenders are fiercely proud of, and go out of their way, to champion what our city has to offer.

  1. There is a tangible sense of pride in the place and local people are actively, and knowledgeably, talking up Southend.
  2. The variety and quality of our outstanding cultural and leisure offer has increased for our residents and visitors and we have become the region s first choice coastal tourism destination.
  3. We have invested in protecting and nurturing our coastline, which continues to be our much loved and best used asset.
  4. Our streets and public spaces are valued and support the mental and physical wellbeing of residents and visitors
  5. We act as a Green City with outstanding examples of energy efficient and carbon neutral buildings, streets, transport and recycling.

  Safe and well

By 2050 people in Southend-on-Sea feel safe in all aspects of their lives and are well enough to live fulfilling lives.

  1. People in all parts of the borough feel safe and secure at all times.
  2. Southenders are remaining well enough to enjoy fulfilling lives, throughout their lives.
  3. We are well on our way to ensuring that everyone has a home that meets their needs.
  4. We are all effective at protecting and improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable in our community.
  5. Residents feel safe and secure in their homes

  Active and Involved

By 2050 we have a thriving, active and involved community that feel invested in our city.

  1. Even more Southenders agree that people from different backgrounds are valued and get on well together.
  2. Residents feel the benefits of social connection, in building and strengthening their local networks through common interests and volunteering.
  3. Residents are routinely involved in the design and delivery of services.
  4. A range of initiatives help increase the capacity for communities to come together to enhance their neighbourhood and environment.
  5. More people have physically active lifestyles, including through the use of open spaces.

 Opportunity and Prosperity

By 2050 Southend- on-Sea is a successful city and we share our prosperity amongst all of our people.

  1. The Local Plan is setting an exciting planning framework for the Borough.
  2. We have a fast-evolving, re-imagined and thriving town centre, with an inviting mix of shops, homes, culture and leisure opportunities.
  3. Our children are school and life ready and young people are ready for further education, training or employment.
  4. Key regeneration schemes, such as Queensway, seafront developments and the Airport Business Park are underway and bringing prosperity and job opportunities to the Borough.
  5. Southend is a place that is renowned for its creative industries, where new businesses thrive and where established employers and others invest for the long term.
  6. Southend provides fulfilling careers for our residents, and enough job roles to match the needs of the population.
  7. Southend businesses feel supported to respond to economic shock; adapt to evolving global markets; and, have the tools to preserve their businesses by responding effectively and positively to change.

  Connected and Smart

By 2050 people can easily get in, out and around our borough and we have a world class digital infrastructure.

  1. Working with the public transport providers to enhance and encourage the use of the existing provision moving towards a long- term aspiration to open new routes, enabling a wider accessibility to public transport options.
  2. People have a wide choice of transport options.
  3. We are leading the way in making public and private travel smart, clean and green.
  4. Southend is a leading digital city with world class infrastructure that reflects equity of digital provision for the young, vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Our Response

In developing a draft aim for where we want to be in 20 years’ time and a set of draft development principles and spatial objectives for the Southend New Local Plan we need to take into account all the above considerations.

A profile for Southend and some of the main opportunities and challenges facing the Borough are displayed following Question 1.1 below.

We would now like your views on what you think the Aim and Spatial Objectives should be and what our key priorities are for new development