Draft Development Principles

The draft Development Principles set out below will establish what our key priorities are from new development. A balanced approach to how they are implemented will be needed to ensure development is viable and can come forward.

Your comments will help us draft policies to manage development proposals that will be presented in the next consultation version of the New Local Plan.

DP1 Deliver high quality, well designed and attractive urban, historic and natural environments that foster healthy living, are safe and people friendly, distinctive, and enhance existing character and local amenity.

DP2 Ensure development is supported by necessary infrastructure, high quality digital connectivity and access improvements.

DP3 Prevent or minimise the impact of climate change, including energy and water efficiency, renewable energy, improved air quality, sustainable drainage, electric vehicle charging and urban greening measures.

DP4 Enhance biodiversity and improve access to green space, safeguard environmental assets and manage constraints such as flood risk.

DP5 Prioritise the use of suitable previously developed land for development.

DP6 Deliver a range of housing types and tenures, including affordable and Council housing, that are designed to be adaptable so local people can reside independently in their local community through all stages of their lives and seek to safeguard existing family housing.

DP7 Promote modal shift through improved sustainable and active travel and proportionate parking standards that reflect car ownership levels, local on- street parking stress and the convenience of public transport and off-street public parking.

Question 1.1b Development Principles

Have your say……… Please explain your answers

1.1b Do you agree with the draft Development Principles? Please explain your answer.