Significant progress on the way to achieving the Southend 2050 ambition
Southend has led the way in how to grow a sustainable, inclusive city. We have made the best use of new technologies to meet the challenges of climate change, improve quality of life and reduce inequalities, while cherishing our Estuary identity and the unique character of our neighbourhoods. We are well on the way to meeting our ambition to be a Green City, with low carbon growth, improved energy efficiency, and protected and enhanced natural spaces, biodiversity and habitats.
Southend city centre has a more diverse mix of leisure, cultural and business floorspace, homes and improved public realm, and the scale and range of uses within local centres reflect their roles as local community hubs. Southend’s built heritage and natural environment are protected and enhanced, and new buildings and spaces respect and complement the local distinctiveness of Southend’s neighbourhoods.
Southend as the region’s first choice coastal tourist destination has benefited from continued growth of both overnight and longer stays and with increasing visitor numbers. With its reputation for creativity and culture, as well as the draw of the seaside, Southend is a place that residents and visitors alike can enjoy in all seasons and the seafront and green spaces continue to be attractive places to spend time all year round.
New leisure and entertainment uses better connect the seafront with the town centre, and new workspaces within the town centre support innovation in technology and commerce. New homes, employment and local facilities are built in accessible locations with civic spaces where people can connect with each other and feel safe during both daytime and evening.
Carefully planned new neighbourhoods provide homes that are adaptable and flexible, meeting the needs of people at all stages of their life, and infrastructure has been provided to support mixed communities and personal independence. Health inequality has been reduced by new and improved green spaces and a network of walking and cycling routes increase opportunities for physical activity and enhanced mental wellbeing.
More residents have improved education and skills levels, enabling them to benefit from growth in innovation and enterprise, facilitated by Southend’s position as a leading digital and cultural city. Excellent transport connectivity has been further enhanced by the extension of Crossrail, and improved surface transport links to London Southend Airport and new neighbourhoods.
Question 1.1a Aim
Have your say……… Please explain your answers
1.1a Do you agree with the draft Aim for the Southend New Local Plan, setting out where we want to be in 20 years’ time? Please explain your answer.